Internet Porn Statistics, 1.2 Million years of Porn has analyzed the two leading porn tube sites and presents mind blowing numbers from the industry no one would have imagined! Say goodbye to the niche of online porn, it's in every living room on this planet!

More than 700,000 videos!
The analyzed tube sites contain 735,000 porn videos. The average playtime of the videos is 11 minutes. Users could watch 16 years of porn movies in a row without watching a single video twice.

15 views per human!
Summed up, the platforms reach 93 Billion views by their users so far, that makes 15 views on every human on earth. The average number of views per video is 127,720.

1.2 Million years of playtime!
This makes up for an incredible number of 1.2 Million years of cumulated time spent for watching porn just on these two tube sites, which is the amount of time humans are believed to walk on this very planet. Watching porn online seems far away from being a niche nowadays, it is done in every social class.

158 Million ratings, 8 Million comments!
The websites collected 158 Million ratings from the users. In average 63% of the users rate a video positive. There are more than 7.5 Million comments posted under videos. We talk about a very active community.

22,000 new videos every month!
The growth of these platforms seems to know no ending. They started in 2006 with about 150 videos and grow by 22,000 new videos every month.